The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

robin sharma

*The Wake Up Call

  • Julian Mantle lawyer, one of the best and super hard working. All he did was work. Collapsed in the courtroom one day, John is his co-worker and friend and was concerned for Julian’s health

*The Mysterious Visitor

  • John gets a visitor and says he’s too busy but then finally let’s them in and it was Julian, didn’t recognize him as he looked much younger

*The Transformation

  • he believed that he was broken in the legal work, his spirit gone

  • it was more than just a vacation, it was a personal odyssey of the self

  • failure is essential to personal expansion

  • never regret your past and embrace it as a teacher that it is

  • life is about choices, one’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes — life comes down to a few key moments

*A Spiritual Student of the Sages

  • success on the outside means nothing unless you have success within

  • self mastery and consistent care of ones mind soul and body are essential to finding ones highest self and living the life of ones dreams

*The Wisdom of Personal Change

  • I am an artist at living — my work of art is my life

  • Julian sees John the next day, they meet and he starts pouring tea into John’s cup — he overfilled it and tea started to pour out of the cup: you could be full of your own ideas but how can more go in until you first empty your cup

  • investing in yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make as it will improve your life and the others around you

  • garden, lighthouse, sumo wrestler, pink wire cable, stopwatch, roses and winding path of diamonds

*A Most Extraordinary Garden

  • represents the mind: worry drains the mind if much of its power and soon injured the soul

  • mind management is an essentially life management

  • when you dedicate yourself to transforming your inner world your life shifts from ordinary into the realm of extraordinary

  • there are no mistakes in life, just lessons. No such thing as negative experiences only opportunities to grow, learn and advance. From struggle comes strength

  • things are created twice: first in your mind then, second in reality

  • stop spending so much time making a living and spend more time creating a life

  • the boundaries of your life are merely creations of the self

  • find out what you truly love to do, then direct all of your energy towards doing it — stop being so practical, start doing the things you have always wanted to do

  • saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because you too busy driving

  • each moment of life is a miracle and a mystery

  • heart of the rose; stare into the centre of the rose looking at the texture, smell, feel, etc for unwanted thoughts will come, try to block out and sit in stillness and silence

  • opposition thinking; replace negative thoughts and train the mind with positive ones

  • quality of thinking determines quality of life

  • creative imagining; see yourself as you want to be

  • there is nothing noble about being superior to some other person, true nobility lies in being superior to your former self

  • don’t measure your self worth with someone’s else net worth

  • every second you spend thinking about someone else’s dream that’s time away from your own

*Kindling Your Inner Fire

  • people who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened — the purpose of life is a life of purpose

  • know life aims, then manifest this vision with consistent action = dharma

  • self knowledge is the DNA of self enlightenment

  • you will not hit a target that you cannot see

  • joriki = the concentrated mind

  • 5 step process to reach objectives: 1. Form clear mental image of the outcome. 2. Get positive pressure on yourself. 3. Never set a goal without attaching a timeline to it. 4. Need to perform and practice for at least 21 days 5. Enjoy the process

  • a day without laughter or a day without love was a day without life

  • you never have to do anything, you should want to and it’s the right thing for you

  • what lies behind you and what lies in front of you is nothing when compared to what lies within you

*The Ancient Art of Self Leadership

  • kaizen = constant and never ending improvement

  • change is the most powerful force in our society today, most people fear it but the wise embrace it

  • building strength of character, developing mental toughness, and living with courage — courage allows you to run your own race

  • people grow the most when they enter the zone of unknown

  • the only limits on your life are those that you set yourself

  • do the things you have always wanted to do but didn’t because you tricked yourself into believing that you were too young, too old, too rich or too poor

  • fear is nothing more than a mental monster you have created, negative stream of consciousness — fear is your own creation,

  • it takes courage to step out comfort zone, and change will always be a bit uncomfortable

  • to breathe properly is to live properly

  • knowledge is only potential power, for it to be manifested it must be applied

  • all the mistakes you will ever make in your life have already been made by those that walked before you

  • it’s not what you will get out of the book that is so enriching, it’s the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life

  • books simply help you see what is already within yourself — you have the power to live your dreams!

  • pain is often the precursor to personal growth, don’t dread it, instead embrace it

  • we don’t laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh

  • wake up and ask ‘what would I do today if today was my last’

  • mantra: collection of words strung together to create a positive effect = free the mind

  • you are what you think about all day — when I change my inner world, I change my outer world

  • reduce your needs, if not greed starts to come in your life

  • within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky, and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wanders is the same force that created you, we are one

  • failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more, nothing less

  • failure is often essential to success in any endeavour

  • the universe favours the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures

*The Power of Discipline

  • willpower allows you to do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it

  • it is willpower that pushes your dreams forward when the odds appear to be insurmountable

  • it is willpower that offers you the inner power to keep your commitments to others and more importantly to yourself

  • seek to be superior to your former self not others

  • most people have liberty. They can go where they want and do the things they feel like doing. But too many people are salves to their impulses. Reactive rather than proactive, letting life take them in whatever direction. Freedom to see the forest beyond the trees, the freedom to choose what is right over what seems pressing.

  • it is just as easy to think positive thoughts as it is to think negative ones

  • when you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you control your life. When you control of your life, you become the master of your destiny

  • satori = instant awakening

  • wisdom without proper tools for its application or no wisdom at all

  • I am more than I appear to be, all the worlds strength and power rests inside me — mantra

  • start doing the things you don’t like doing

  • you have the power to be more than your environment. Similarly, you have the capacity to be more than a prisoner of your past. To do this, you must become the master of your will

*Your Most Precious Commodity

  • time mastery is life mastery — time mastery allows you more time to do the things you live to do, the things that are truly meaningful to you

  • the most meaningful things in your life should never be sacrificed to those that are the least meaningful

  • failing to plan is planning to fail — enlightened people are priority driven

  • all the activities you give your time to, only 20% of those will yield real, lasting results

  • life is like a fat stripe of bacon, you have to separate the meat from the fat in order to be the master of your time

  • the most productive people in the world have cultivated the habit of doing the things that less productive people don’t like doing, even though they too might not like doing them

  • living a rich life with accomplishments and contribution does not have to come through sacrifice of peace of mind

  • one of the most tragic things that any one of us can do is to put off living. Too many people are dreaming of a magical rose garden on the horizon rather than enjoying the one growing in our backyard

  • deathbed mentality: today could be your last, so savour it to the fullest — ‘what would I do today if it was my last’

  • don’t accept a life mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within your fortress of you mind

  • no matter how big a house you have or how slick a car you drive, the only thing you can take with you at the end of time, is your conscious

*The Ultimate Purpose of Life

  • everything that lives, lives not alone, not for itself

  • when all said and done, no matter what you have achieved, no matter how many summers homes you own, no matter how many cars sit in your driveway, the quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution

  • to dramatically improve the quality of your life, you must cultivate a new perspective of why you are here on earth

  • you must realize that, just as you entered the world with nothing, you are destined to leave with nothing

  • to give yourself to others and to contribute in a meaningful way

  • shedding the shackles of self: it is about losing your self consciousness and start to focus in a higher purpose

  • by elevating others, your life elevates to higher dimensions

*The Timeless Secret of Lifelong Happiness

  • living in the now: the past is water under the bridge and the future is a distant sun in the horizon of your imagination

  • happiness is a journey, not a destination — never put off happiness for the sake of achievement

  • few things are as meaningful as being part of your children’s childhood - what is the point of climbing up all the steps of success if you have missed the first steps of your own kids

  • the best gift you can give to your children is your love

  • happiness is a journey, enjoy the special moments that everyday offers because today, this day is all you have

  • there is a huge difference between making a lot of money and making a lot of life

  • let this new day be the defining moment of your life, the day that you make the decision once and for all to focus on what is truly important to you

  • every one of us has the potential for extraordinary achievement, happiness and lasting fulfillment

  • for what lies behind you and what lies in front of you matters little when compared to what lies within you

we are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future

7 timeless virtues of enlightened living
1. Master your mind
2. Follow your purpose
3. Practice kaizen
4. Live with discipline
5. Respect your time
6. Selflessly serve others
7. Embrace the present
10 rituals of radiant living

1hr a day for 30 days
1. Ritual of solitude: mandatory period of peace, healing power of silent
2. Ritual of physicality: care for your body and mind..breathing.
3. Ritual of live nourishment: eat live foods from the earth..fruits/veggies
4. Ritual of abundant: expanding your knowledge, lifelong learning.. READ
5. Ritual of personal-reflection: reflect on your day, the positives and negatives how can you improve those.
6. Ritual of early awakening: what would you do if today was your last day?
7. Ritual of music: listen to some music everyday
8. Ritual of the spoken word: 'mantra' mind freeing, positive self image then repeat to self.
9. Ritual of congruent character: daily action to build character, stay true to your principles
10. Ritual of simplicity: what is truly meaningful to you,

"I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rest inside me"


The Motivation Manifesto


The Last Lecture