The Last Lecture

randy pausch


  • professor, father, husband and has 10 tumours in liver (told by doctors that he has only a couple of months to live), last lecture at Carnegie Mellon university - the joy of life 

The Last Lecture 

*An Injured Lion Still Wants To Roar 

  • if we vanish tomorrow what would we want as our legacy?

  • what do I truly have to offer? — really achieving your childhood dreams 

*The Elephant In the Room 

  • we cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand 

Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

*I Never Made It To The NFL

  • sometimes you get more out of pursuing that dream and not accomplish it than if you did accomplish it

  • when you screwing up and nobody is saying anything that means they’ve given up on you, we want others to give feedback, means that they care

*You’ll Find Me Under ‘V’

  • spend money on things that are memorable or will help you 

  • leave a legacy through artifacts 

*The Happiest Place In Earth 

  • brick walls are there for a reason, it’s not to keep us out it’s there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something

Adventures and Lessons Learned 

*The Man in The Convertible

  • vice president of advancement from university saw Randy in his car and how peaceful he looked even with the bad news 

  • goes to show he was still fully engaged with life 

*Pouring soda In The Back Seat

  • people are more important than things 

  • things don’t matter as much as the people we share meaningful moments with


  • it was difficult to tell his son Dylan, as he’s 6. But Randy knows he’s lived life 

  • go on those trips you always wanted to take, live in the moment 

  • she found strength standing together 

Enabling The dreams of Others 

*I’m On My Honeymoon, But If You Need Me..

  • randy went out for groceries, went to self checkout, swiped card twice as receipt did not come out the first time, got charged twice. Could’ve asked for manger and take time to get his money back, but decided not to as his time was more important 

  • time is not infinite, time must be explicitly managed like money 

  • you can always change your plans, but that’s only if you have one 

  • ask yourself: are you spending your time on the right things, delegate things if you can

  • time is all you have and sometimes you may have less than you think 

*A Recovering Jerk 

  • number one goal of a teacher is to help students learn how to learn but also learn how to judge themselves 

*The Promised Land

  • when you help others reach their childhood dreams it is the best feeling 

It’s About How You Live Your Life 

*Dream Big

  • we made it to the moon in 1969, pretty much anything is possible — inspiration is the ultimate tool for doing good 

*Raising The White Flag 

  • sometimes we just need to surrender and let it go and forgive as life is too short 

*Be The First Penguin

  • experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted 

  • failure is not just acceptable it’s often essential — the person that fails often usually knows how to avoid future failures 

*All You Have Is What You Bring

  • often think of worst case scenario so you don’t worry as much if that was to occur 

*Never Give Up

  • tenacity can get you over the brick wall — it’s interesting the secrets you decide to reveal at the end of your life

  • if you want something bad enough, never give up — brick walls are there for a reason and once you get over them it can be helpful to tell them how you did it 

Final remarks

*Dreams For My Children

  • for his children, what they will miss without a father is his mindset rather than what he’ll miss without his children — wants to encourage his kids to develop joy for life and a great urge to follow their own dreams

*Jai And Me

  • important to focus on other people not just yourself, there’s nothing weak or selfish about taking time to you 

*Dreams Will Come To You

  • it’s not about how you achieve your dreams, it’s about how to lead your life 


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari